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It's only fair that I give gratitude and thanks to those that have helped or
inspired me in my photographic and literary quests, whether they know it or not.

Mr Semmins - My primary school library teacher who introduced me to the wonders of the written word, and to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien - For inspiring a life-long quest and for fostering a love of reading.

Raymond E. Feist - For showing me that Tolkien wasn't the only one who could do it.

Stu Williamson - Your fine art work is my kind of freaky. Your book 'Concept to Print - Advanced Techniques in Creative Portraiture' rocks my world.

Margaret Dean - I dig your fairy photos. What's more, you're an Aussie! How about a shot of one holding a VB can? Thanks for the inspiration.

Death Clock - Hey, negative motivation is as good as any other if it gets you off the couch. 14,000 days doesn't sound like nearly enough to me...

Bob Carlos Clarke - More-so for his lighting, composition, and use of B&W and muted colours than for his subject matter.

Scott Mutter - I've only recently come across his work (thanks Charles), which is described as "surrational" photomontage imagery. I like.